Lakaev Saidakhmat Norzhigitovich

Chief editor of the journal

Ruziyev Raup Axmadovich

Deputy editor-in-chief


Full name States Scientific title and degree Place of work
1. Khodjiyev Sodiq Oltiyevich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
2. Ibragimov Alimjan Artikbayevich Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
3. Utapov Toyir Usmonovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
4. Nasirova Shaira Narmuradovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
5. Suvonov Olim Omonovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
6. Yodgorov Gayrat Rozievich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
7. Khuadyorov Shuhrat Jumakulovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Full name States Scientific title and degree Place of work
1. Dzhuraev Risbai Khaidarovich Uzbekistan Academician Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences
2. Shokin Yuri Ivanovich Russian Federation Academician Novosibirsk Institute of Computational Technologies
3. Negmatov Saiibjon Sodikovich Uzbekistan Academician chairman of the State Unitary Enterprise «Development of Science» at the Tashkent State Technical University
4. Aripov Mersaid Mirsidikovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor National University of Uzbekistan
5. Turobjonov Sadriddin Makhamatdinovich Uzbekistan Academician Tashkent State Technical University
6. Rakhimov Isomiddin Sattarovich Malaysia Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mara University of Technology
7. Shary Sergey Petrovich  Russian Federation Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Novosibirsk State National University
8. Azhmukhamedov Iskandar Maratovich Russian Federation Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Astrakhan State University
9. Ibraimov Holboy Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, academician Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan
10. Yunusova Dilfuza Isroilovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Tashkent State Pedagogical University
11. Aloev Rakhmatillo Dzhuraevich Uzbekistan Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor National University of Uzbekistan
12.  Abdullaeva Shahzoda Abdullaevna Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Tashkent State Pedagogical University
13. Muminov Bakhodir Boltaevich Uzbekistan Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tashkent State University of Economics
14. Rosmayati Mohemad Malaysia Professor universiti Malaysia Terengganu
15. Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov Malaysia DCs degree (Doctor of Science) in Mathematical and Physical science universiti Malaysia Terengganu
16. Muhammad Suzuri bin Hitam Malaysia Professor universiti Malaysia Terengganu
17. Amiza binti Mat Amin Malaysia Professor universiti Malaysia Terengganu
18. Korshunov Igor Lvovich Russian Federation Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
19. Kolbanyov Mixail Olegovich Russian Federation Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
20. Verzun Natalya Arkadyevna Russian Federation Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
21. Stelmashonok Yelena Viktorovna Russian Federation Doctor of economic sciences, professor Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
22. Tatarnikova Tatyana Mixaylovna Russian Federation Doctor of technical sciences, professor Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Devices
23. Alekseyev Vladimir Vasilyevich Russian Federation Doctor of technical sciences, professor Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
24. Satikov Igor Abuzarovich Belarus Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Belarusian National Technical University
25. Boyarshinova Oksana Aleksandrovna Belarus Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Belarusian National Technical University
26. Makarenya Sergey Nikolayevich Belarus Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Belarusian National Technical University
27. Sednina Marina Aleksandrovna Belarus Director of the Institute of International Distance Education, Belarusian National Technical University
28. Kholmurodov Abdulhamid Erkinovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Karshi State University
29. Lutfillaev Mahmud Khasanovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Samarkand State University
30. Ergasheva Gulrukhsor Surkhonidinovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tashkent State Pedagogical University
31. Makhmudova Dilfuza Meliyevna Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Chirchik State Pedagogical University
32. Khudjayev Mukhiddin Kushshayevych Uzbekistan Doctor of technical sciences, associate professor Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
33. Ibragimov Abdusattar Turgunovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute
34. Norov Abdisait Muratovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sciences Karshi State University
35. Yuldashev Ismoil Abriyevich Uzbekistan PhD in pedagogical sciences, associate professor Karshi State University
36. Karaxonova Oysara Yuldoshevna Uzbekistan PhD in pedagogical sciences, associate professor Karshi State University
37. Jabbarov Oybek Rakhmanovich Uzbekistan doctor of philosophy in physics and mathematics, associate professor Karshi State University
38. Kurbaniyazova Zamira Kalbaevna Uzbekistan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
39. Kabiljanova Firuza Azimovna Uzbekistan Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor National University of Uzbekistan
40. Bakhodirova Umida Bakhodirovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
41. Khamroyeva Dilafruz Namozovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
42. Tokhirov Feruz Jamoliddinovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
43. Isroilova Lola Sunnatovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
44. Sharipov Ergash Oripovich Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
45. Kalanova Mokhgul Bakhritdinovna Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service