About the Journal Electronic Education

«Electronic Education» is a peer-reviewed scientific and methodological electronic journal that publishes research results in the following scientific areas:
Main specialty: 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences (13.00.01; 13.00.02; 13.00.03; 13.00.04; 13.00.05; 13.00.06; 13.00.07; 13.00.08).
The purpose of the journal is to present the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of pedagogical sciences, study the problems of all levels and types of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the practice of developing education in the countries of far and near abroad.

The main headings of the journal «Electronic Education»:

1. History of education                                                        2. Education strategy  
3. Philosophy of education                                                4. Education theory
5. Management and economics of education            6. Pedagogical statistics
7. Preschool education                                                        8. School education
9. Professional education                                                   10. Pedagogical education
11. Inclusive education                                                        12. Additional education 

Uzbek-language name — Elektron ta’lim, Russian-language name — Электронное образование; English-language name — Electronic education.
Registered by the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Certificate of state registration of mass media No. 1355 dated June 19, 2020
Registered by the International Standard Serial Numbering (ISSN) with the assignment of the international standard number ISSN 2181-1199 dated 07/27/2020
«Electronic Education» was founded in 2020.
The magazine is published 4 times a year (March, June, September, December).
Founder — «Navoi State Pedagogical Institute», the city of Navoi, the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Publishing House — «Navoi State Pedagogical Institute», the city of Navoi, the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Place of publication — Navoi.
The journal publishes articles in Uzbek, Russian and English.
Indexing: Google Academy.
The full-text version of the journal is in free access: on the journal’s website http://ej.nspi.uz/ .
You need to send the manuscript of the article for consideration through the journal’s website or by e-mail eesj@yandex.ru


Standard article size: 4-10 pages.

The article should have no more than 4 authors. For each of the authors, detailed information should be attached (place of work, position, academic degree, academic title, postal address). The article must necessarily have an annotation, keywords (in Russian and Uzbek (Latin)) and a bibliographic list. Annotation to the article should fully disclose its content and have an average volume of at least 10-12 lines (or from 100 to 250 words). Keywords are on average 10-20 words.

The list of used literature should contain sources later than 2000. It is necessary to give units of measurement and designations in the International System of Units SI. Inconsistency of the article materials with the above requirements may serve as a reason for refusal to publish.

Formatting the text of the article:

Heading style: Font set “Times New Roman”, 14 point, all caps, left aligned, no hyphenation, bold; Above the title of the article (with 1 space), in the right corner – the surname and initials of the authors, 14 point size, normal; UDC index – in the left corner; Under the title of the article – the full names of the authors – in bold; place of work, position scientific title, name of organization, 14 point size, usual.

Annotation style: “Times New Roman” font, 14 point, normal; Location below the title of the article.

Keyword style: Typeface “Times New Roman”, 14 point, normal; The words “Key words” are in bold. Location below annotation.

Body text style: Typeface “Times New Roman”, 14 point, normal; line spacing – one and a half; paragraph indentation – 0.5 cm; Page margins: left, – 3, top, bottom, right – 2 cm.

Table style: Table name – “Times New Roman” font, 12 point size, bold, centered. Typesetting font of the table “Times New Roman”, 12 point size.

Formula set style: Writing formulas and special characters exclusively in the “Microsoft Equation-З” editor. Formulas are centered.

Illustrations: Illustrations should be ready for printing, inserted into the text and attached in separate files in GIF, BMP, JPEG format;

References (list of references): Style of the list – font of the set “Times New Roman”, 8 point size, italics. Must have an average of 8-15 sources (of which no more than 25% – for their own work), with the obligatory inclusion of literature published no more than 10 years ago. The reference number is given in square brackets. For the correct formatting of links, it is recommended to use the web resources of the site www.snoska.info  or https://kursach37.com.

Figures must be recorded as separate graphic files in JPEG, TIF, EPS or PSD format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Contact information is given by full name. authors, e-mail and contact phone number ORCID (orcid.org) and SPIN (elibrary.ru) numbers at the end of the article without fail.

An expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the material in the open press can be attached to the article.

Articles can be sent via the website or by e-mail to the address: eesj@yandex.ru 


13.00.01 Theory of pedagogy. History of pedagogical studies

13.00.02 Theory and methods of training (by industry)

13.00.03 Special pedagogy Pedagogical sciences

13.00.04 Theory and methods of physical education and sports.

13.00.05 Theory and methods of professional education

13.00.06 Theory and methods of electronic education (according to the instructions and steps of training)

13.00.07 Management in education

13.00.08 Theory and methods of pre-school education.